10K, workout #1

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So, today I got started with my first workout for a faster 10K time. (See previous post.)

The workout

The first workout is a speed workout and consists of 10 times 400m at 3:20/5:22 pace at the track, with a 3000m easy jog before and after the interval set. In between the intervals, a 200m easy jog.


Although the track was really crowded and some trainers didn't seem to have their pupils under control, the workout felt good and the pace did too, albeit I went a bit to fast the first few rounds. I used a metronome at 198bpm to maintain form and a high cadence. I've been using a metronome for a while now and while the beeping starts off as really annoying, you'll get used to it.

If you want to see the workout, check it on Garmin (you can see it without an account) or on Strava (you need an account).