David F. Cameron Prediction

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I have added a calculator that uses David Cameron's (1998) formula published for Statistical Services of A. C. Nielsen Co.

enter image description here Cameron prediction calculator

Cameron used a number of times of world-level athletes from 400M to 50 Miles in a non-linear regression model to predict race times. I'll present the formula below.

predicted time = (timein/distancein)distanceout((13.49681-0.000030363distancein+ 835.7114/distancein0.7905)/(13.49681-0.000030363distanceout+835.7114/distanceout0.7905)

Here, timein is the known time from a known distance in seconds, distancein is the distance in meters you put in. Distanceout is the distance in meters you want to predict the time of (predicted time, or timeout).

On the calculator page, you can just select your own time at a certain distance and predict your time for another distance without any statistical knowledge.

For more information, see the following links.

https://www.cs.uml.edu/~phoffman/cammod.html https://www.goandrace.com/en/race-time-predictor.php https://www.chatnrun.nl/calculator/faq/rp.php https://www.swimbikerun.net.nz/Calculators/RunningExpectationsCalculator

Riegel's race prediction

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I have added the famous Riegel race prediction, based on the formula below.

Predicted time = Given time * (new distance/original distance)1.06

Easy, right? You can check out the calculator now. Of course, be cautious in using its output. It's nice to predict a marathon time based on a recent 10K time, but it does absolutely not guarantee anything. You should train accordingly.