Mile pace to kilometer pace

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Today, we are going to do an easy calculation. We're going to convert mile pace to kilometer pace. It's fun to calculate this by hand, but for convenience, you can also use the calculator and many others at

Say we want to know how fast a 6 minute mile is in terms of kilometer pace. In other words, how much time does a runner need to run a kilometer if he or she needs 6 minutes for a mile?

First, we multiply 6 by 60. To go from minutes to seconds. 6 times 60 is 360 seconds to run 1609 meters (i.e. one a mile). Now, we divide 360 seconds by 1609, to get the number of seconds needed to run one meter. 360 divided by 1609 is 0.22.

The next step is to multiply that number by 1000, to get the number of seconds needed to run a kilometer. The result is 223.74 seconds.

The last step is divide this number by 60, to get from seconds to minutes. This one's a bit tricky, because we want minutes and remaining seconds. If you simply divide 223.74 by 60, you get 3.73 minutes, but obviously that's not what we want (Because we could ask: how much time is 0.73 minutes?) So we remember the 3 minutes, which is 180 seconds (that's 3 times 60). Now we take our original number, 223.74 seconds and subtract 180 seconds, resulting in 43.74. That's the number of seconds remaining, meaning that a 6 minute mile corresponds to a 4 minute and 44 seconds kilometer.

If you don't want to do this by hand, go over to and let the website do it for you.

Training paces

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I have added a training pace calculator to the site. You can enter a recent race time or (reasonable) time you're striving for and calculate pace (ranges) for your long runs, easy runs, tempo runs, yasso's and faster sessions. Below is an example, but be sure to check out the calculator for yourself.

Pace Percentage
Long run pace 06:40-07:42 65%-75%
Easy run pace 06:40-06:15 75%-85%
Tempo run pace 05:16-05:00 95%-100%
Yasso pace (per km/mile) 04:38 108%
VO2max pace 04:33 110%
Speed form pace 04:21 115%

enter image description here Photo by Marvin Ronsdorf on Unsplash

Riegel's race prediction

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I have added the famous Riegel race prediction, based on the formula below.

Predicted time = Given time * (new distance/original distance)1.06

Easy, right? You can check out the calculator now. Of course, be cautious in using its output. It's nice to predict a marathon time based on a recent 10K time, but it does absolutely not guarantee anything. You should train accordingly.

Yasso calculator

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Today, I've added a Yasso calculator. While a Yasso doesn't have to be 'calculated' (just use your marathon hours as minutes and minutes as seconds), but I'd like to know which pace (per km or mile) I should use. I have used the following calculation.

  • Kilometer pace: (minutes60+seconds)/8001000 (and revert to minutes:seconds)
  • Mile pace: (minutes60+seconds)/8001609 (and revert to minutes:seconds)

So, when your (desired) marathon time is 3:30, you should do a Yasso (800 meters) in 3 minutes and 30 seconds. Using the formula's above, this comes down to a kilometer pace of 4:22 and a mile pace of 07:22.

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