10K, workout #39

Track day!

The Workout

Today I'm doing a speed workout, consisting of 5 times 800 meters at 3:20/5:22. Last time I did this workout, I ran to and from the track, which is an additional 8K. That's too much for today, as the workout itself is tough enough. I cycled a part, so the total running workout was 12K.


The intervals were hard, but running felt good – much better than last time, when I did this workout after a strength workout the same day. I did all intervals in a pace a bit faster than needed, more around 3:10-3:15/5:06-5:14 than 3:20/5:22 (actually, I see now paces were 3:14, 3:14, 3:15, 3:17, and 3:14), but that's because the pace displayed on my watch seemed lower than what is calculated afterwards. That's probably because I use Stryd for cadence (200spm today), speed and distance. This works better on the track, because GPS tends to cut corners. Anyway, it felt like a hard, but good workout.

enter image description here Track in Vlaardingen

Workout data

If you want to see the workout, check it out on Garmin or on Strava.