10K, workout #36

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I think the decision to switch the long run and intervals was a good one. On Tuesday, my legs were still feeling tired, but Wednesday, I felt much better.

The workout

A tempo session of 7 times 1000m at lactate threshold – around 3:50/6:10 – totaling at 14K including warming-up (2K) and cooling-down. In between the intervals, 500m at a slow pace for recovery. I ran at the industrial terrain near the harbour, because there are no traffic lights there and there's a stretch of road of approximately 1K with only three corners.

enter image description here A piece of road very suitable for intervals up to 1K

Having no traffic lights to stop for is vital for intervals, but I kind of forgot that around the time of the run, all employees would leave their work to go home and there would be a lot of cars and trucks. Add falling darkness and you see what I mean. No real problems, though, although I hate having to look for traffic during intervals.


The intervals went great. Somehow, the pace, although a bit too fast in the first couple of intervals, and cadence felt very natural and I didn't have to push hard. Great run.

Workout data

If you want to see the workout, check it out on Garmin or on Strava.