10K, workout #31.5 and #32

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Two workouts today. (Just like yesterday, because I decided to go swimming in the evening...) One workout is strength training, so an hour of circuit training at the gym at work. I'll focus on the running workout here, though.

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The workout

Today I'm doing a speed workout to test my pace for the 6K test race on Saturday. This is a track workout, consisting of 5 times 800 meters at race pace with 2 minutes recovery in between. As I'm planning on reaching around 87K this week, I'll be running to and from the track, making those sections of the workout my warming up and cooling down.


Okay, doing an hour of strength training and a hard workout like 5*800 meters at race pace is too much. Especially when doing both before having a proper meal. I managed to do the intervals within the pace I set (3:20/5:22) and the run to and from the track, but it didn't really feel well, especially the last two kilometers to my house. It felt like not having proper fuel, which probably was exactly the case. So, note to self: even though your schedule almost forces you to do two workouts like these on one day, don't.

Workout data

If you want to see the workout, check it out on Garmin or on Strava.