10K, workout #30

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The original plan for today was to do 5 times 800m at race pace, but I switched the Monday and Wednesday workout, because I'm doing a test race on Saturday and I felt it would be better to do the 6 times 1500m at 15K pace on Monday, so I have more recovery time and I can test race pace on Wednesday.

The workout

This is a tempo workout, consisting of 6 times 1500m at lactate threshold – around 3:50/6:10 – totaling at 16K including warming-up (2K) and cooling-down (2K). In between the intervals, I ran 500m at a slow pace for recovery.

enter image description here Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash


The intervals felt fine. It was hard to keep pace, because I went too fast at least three of the intervals. Besides that, no problems. I like running at this pace – it's less exhausting than the pace at shorter intervals, while it stills feels like doing hard work.

Workout data

If you want to see the workout, check it out on Garmin or on Strava.