I am an Assistant Professor (UD) in Linguistics at Leiden University. My PhD concerned conditionals ('if-then sentences') in Cognitive Linguistics and Corpus Linguistics — topics I continue to research this day. I have studied Media Technology (MSc), Literary Studies (MA), and (Dutch) Linguistics (MA) at Leiden University. I teach courses on Linguistics, Pragmatics, Corpus Linguistics and Statistics. I am the secretary of Algemene Vereniging voor Taalwetenschap (AVT), and I develop Gespeld, a website for practicing Dutch verb spelling. I like long-distance running (results).
Reuneker, A. (In preparation). 'If he had not, he could not have made the thumb-mark' — Epistemic conditionals in detective fiction. Journal of Pragmatics.
Reuneker, A. (In preparation). Welke spelfouten maken zelfs ervaren schrijvers? Tekstblad.
Reuneker, A. & M. Rebel (Submitted). Tussen jij en jouw — de spelling van homofone werkwoorden voor het gereduceerd bezittelijk en persoonlijk voornaamwoord je. Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics (DuJAL).
@article{Reuneker_2024, title={Engelse leenwerkwoorden en de invloed van stameinde en werkwoordstijd op spelfouten (English loan verbs in Dutch texts and the influence of stem ending and verb tense on spelling errors)}, volume={46}, number={1}, ISSN={1573-9775}, DOI={10.5117/TVT2023.01.002.REUN}, abstract={The spelling of English verbs in Dutch texts is a stumbling block for many language users. In this study the errors in the conjugation of loan verbs were compared with those of non-loan verbs, based on data from Dutch students aged 12-18. Three research questions were asked: first, to what extent does the loan-word status of a verb play a role in spelling errors, second to what extent is there a relationship between verb tense and spelling errors, and third, to what extent is there a relationship between stem ending and spelling errors? Based on the analysis of a large-scale dataset, it is concluded that loan-verb status does indeed play a role, that most errors are made in past tense conjugations and that a limited number of stem endings are involved in the majority of spelling errors. This contribution ends with recommendations for language education.}, journal={Tijdschrift voor Taalbeheersing}, author={Reuneker, Alex}, year={2024}, month={12}, pages={2--18}}
@article{Reuneker_2024_b, title={Geshopt tot je dropt. Het spellen van werkwoorden uit het Engels}, volume={6}, journal={Onze Taal}, author={Reuneker, Alex}, year={2024}, month={11}, pages={62--63}}
@book{Boogaart_Garssen_Jansen_et_al_2024, address={Amsterdam}, title={Proceedings of the Tenth Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation}, ISBN={9789090393544}, url={https://scholarlypublications.universiteitleiden.nl/handle/1887/4106798}, publisher={Sciential International Centre for Scholarship in Argumentation Theory}, year={2024} }
@inbook{Reuneker_Dunning_2023, title={Van gamen tot netflixen: de spelling van Engelse leenwerkwoorden}, author={Reuneker, Alex and Dunning, Mette}, booktitle={36ste Conferentie Onderwijs Nederlands},pages={254--257},year={2023}, editor={Mottart, Andre and Vanhooren, Steven}, place={Gent}, publisher={Skribis}, abstract={Onderzoek naar werkwoordspelling laat zien dat fouten in de vervoeging veroorzaakt worden door o.a. tijdsdruk en homofone werkwoordsvormen, zoals 'verhuist'-'verhuisd' (cf. Sandra, Frisson & Daems, 1999; Chamalaun, 2023). Wij onderzochten een ander struikelblok voor veel leerlingen: de spelling van leenwerkwoorden. Dergelijke werkwoorden dienen volgens de offici�le spellingregels van de Nederlandse taal te worden vervoegd (Taalunie, 2011, p. 36), maar veelgebruikte ezelsbruggetjes, zoals die om de stam te vinden (wij-vorm minus 'en'), leveren hier het incorrecte 'gam' in plaats van 'game' op. Daarnaast wordt de spelling van leenwerkwoorden, zo blijkt uit onze data, vaak 'verengelst' - in plaats van 'genetflixt' wordt 'genetflixed' geschreven. In deze bijdrage beantwoorden wij de vraag in welke mate de leenwoordstatus van een werkwoord een rol speelt bij het maken van spelfouten. Daarnaast laten we zien in hoeverre er een relatie bestaat tot typen leenwerkwoorden uitgesplitst naar stameinde, zoals -e en -x in bovenstaande voorbeelden. Daartoe vergeleken we in een grootschalige analyse van recente data afkomstig van website Gespeld (Reuneker, z.d.) de door leerlingen gemaakte fouten in de vervoegingen van leenwerkwoorden en niet-leenwerkwoorden. We laten zien dat een beperkt aantal stamuitgangen het grootste deel van de fouten veroorzaakt en we doen suggesties voor het spellingonderwijs.}}
@article{Reuneker_2023, title={Assessing classification reliability of conditionals in discourse}, ISSN={0920-427X, 1572-8374}, url={https://link.springer.com/10.1007/s10503-023-09614-9}, DOI={10.1007/s10503-023-09614-9}, abstractNote={Conditional constructions (if�then) enable us to express our thoughts about possible states of the world, and they form an important ingredient for our reasoning and argumentative capabilities. Different types and argumentative uses have been distinguished in the literature, but their applicability to actual language use is rarely evaluated. This paper focuses on the reliability of applying classifications of connections between antecedents and consequents of conditionals to discourse, and three issues are identified. First, different accounts produce incompatible results when applied to language data. Second, a discrepancy between theory and data was observed in previous studies, which sometimes discard existing classifications for being detached from actual language use. Finally, language users construct various cognitive relations between clauses of conditionals without being able to rely on overt linguistic features, which poses problems for the annotation of conditionals in argumentation and discourse. This paper addresses these issues by means of comparing theoretical types and actual uses of conditionals, by inspecting the dispersion of types in natural-language corpora, and by conducting an experiment in which the inter-rater reliability of classifications was assessed. The results show that the reliability of classifications of conditionals when applied to language data is low. With respect to the aforementioned issues, different classifications produced incompatible results, a discrepancy between theory and data was indeed observed, and low reliability scores indicated a largely interpretative nature of types of conditionals. Given these results, suggestions for the enhancement of reliability in corpus studies of conditionals and beyond are provided to enhance future classification design.}, journal={Argumentation}, author={Reuneker, Alex}, year={2023}, month={4}, language={en}, pages={xxx-xxx}}
@article{Reuneker_2022, title={Als en dan in het Nederlands}, url={https://didactieknederlands.nl/handboek/2022/11/als-en-dan-in-het-nederlands/}, abstractNote={Wat kleine woorden al niet vermogen. Hoe sprekers zich verhouden tot de stand van zaken: het gebruik van als-dan-constructies die steeds een wat andere relatie leggen tussen spreker en werkelijkheid. Inzichten die kunnen bijdragen aan het repertoire aan formuleringen, en inferenties die lezers maken bij het lezen van en luisteren naar teksten.}, journal={Didactiek Nederlands}, publisher={Levende Talen}, author={Reuneker, Alex}, year={2022}, month={11}}
@article{Reuneker_Waszink_2022, title={Nederlands in de Top 40}, volume={9}, journal={Onze Taal}, author={Reuneker, Alex and Waszink, Vivien}, year={2022}, month={11}, pages={32--33}}
@article{Reuneker_2022, title={`Dat als' - Een `stijlfout' in de praktijk (`That if' - A stylistic lapse in practice)}, volume={44}, number={2}, ISSN={1573-9775}, DOI={10.5117/TVT2022.2.004.REUN}, abstract={Dutch style guides and teaching methods consider the direct sequence of the subordinating conjunctions dat `that' and als `if' a stylistic lapse. It is advised to rewrite sentences containing the sequence by repositioning the conditional als-clause to the final position of the sentence. This study aims to find out to what extent this stylistic lapse actually occurs in several types of texts, and in which situations the aforementioned advice is suitable. We use corpus data from different modes and registers, we provide an overview of language advice from grammars, style guides and teaching methods, and we provide a comparison of Dutch dat als to the treatment of that if in English usage guides. Finally, we analyze the effects of the proposed reformulations, focusing on the function of the conditional clause in context. By doing so, we aim to formulate an informed view on the wide-spread advice concerning dat als `that if', and we aim to refine the advice available in the literature.}, journal={Tijdschrift voor Taalbeheersing}, author={Reuneker, Alex and Boogaart, Ronny}, year={2020}, month={11}, pages={109--125}}
@article{Reuneker_2022_c, title={Addition, Restriction, Iteration: Focus Particles in Dutch conditionals}, volume={39}, ISSN={0929-7332, 1569-9919}, url={https://benjamins.com/catalog/avt.00067.reu}, DOI={10.1075/avt.00067.reu}, abstract={Conditional clauses in Dutch can be accompanied by focus particles, as in zelfs als `even if' and alleen als `only if'. The literature focuses on these additive and restrictive particles, because they may influence the truth-conditional meaning of the sentence, which is uncommon for particles. Most of these studies are not based on empirical language data, or draw largely from formal written texts in English. This study investigates which focus particles occur in Dutch conditionals, and to which extent their uses are associated with spoken and written modes and with formal and informal registers. It is shown that restrictive and additive particles are most frequent in formal written texts, and that a third type of particle exists, which adds iterative meaning to the conditional, as in telkens als `evertime if [when]'. The results show this type of particles to be associated with informal spoken texts.}, journal={Linguistics in the Netherlands}, author={Reuneker, Alex}, year={2022}, month={11}, pages={162--177} }
@misc{Reuneker_2022, title={Hoe we als-zinnen gebruiken in het Nederlands}, url={https://leidenlanguageblog.nl/articles/hoe-we-als-zinnen-gebruiken-in-het-nederlands/}, journal={Leiden Language Blog}, author={Reuneker, Alex}, year={2022}, month={4} }
@article{reuneker_hoe_2022, title = {Hoe we als en dan gebruiken}, volume = {1}, journal = {VakTaal}, author = {Reuneker, Alex}, year = {2022},pages = {26}}
@phdthesis{Reuneker_2022, title = {Connecting Conditionals: A Corpus-Based Approach to Conditional Constructions in Dutch}, author = {Reuneker, Alex}, year = 2022, month = {1}, publisher = {LOT/Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics}, series = {LOT Disseration Series}, isbn = {978-94-6093-395-0}, url = {https://www.lotpublications.nl/connecting-conditionals}, doi = {10.48273/LOT0610}, place = {Amsterdam}, abstractnote = {Conditionals, or if-then sentences, form a crucial ingredient of everyday reasoning and argumentation, as they enable us to express our thoughts about possible states of the world. They are used in very different ways, and the main aim of this dissertation is to investigate to what extent these different uses of conditionals are connected to one another and to their grammatical features.The first part of this dissertation presents an analysis of conditionals in terms of implicatures of �unassertiveness� and �connectedness�. Insights from semantics, pragmatics, cognitive linguistics, and neighbouring fields are combined. In the second part, the analysis is tested on a corpus of spoken and written Dutch discourse. To investigate the relation between the meaning and grammar of conditionals, several cluster analyses are conducted. The results show that grammatical features such as verb tense and modal marking do not, or only weakly, license generalised implicatures of unassertiveness and connectedness. This outcome sheds light on difficulties in applying general categories of conditionals to language use data, and it suggests that the fundamentals of categorising conditional constructions need revision.The dissertation shows the benefits of combining semantic and pragmatic analyses of conditionals. It provides an extensive discussion of classifications of conditionals, an overview of the grammatical features of Dutch conditionals, and it presents cluster analyses using state-of-the-art machine-learning techniques. The study should therefore be of interest to anyone concerned with the syntax, semantics, and pragmatics of conditionals, and to anyone working on Dutch grammar, corpus linguistics, theories of argumentation, and the interface between semantics and pragmatics.}, school = {Leiden University}}
@inbook{Reuneker_Boogaart_2021b, place={Utrecht}, title={Dat als in advies en praktijk}, booktitle={Wat gebeurt er in het Nederlands?! Over taal, frequentie en variatie}, publisher={Sterck \& De Vreese}, author={Reuneker, Alex and Boogaart, Ronny}, editor={Van der Sijs, Nicoline and Fonteyn, Lauren and Van der Meulen, Marten}, year={2021}, pages={177--182} }
@misc{Boogaart_Reuneker_2021a, title={Wat is er mis met dat als?}, url={https://neerlandistiek.nl/2021/05/wat-is-er-mis-met-dat-als/}, journal={Neerlandistiek}, author={Boogaart, Ronny and Reuneker, Alex}, year={2021}, month={5} }
@article{Reuneker_2020, title={Clause order and syntactic integration patterns in Dutch conditionals}, volume={37}, ISSN={0929-7332, 1569-9919}, url={https://benjamins.com/catalog/avt.00041.reu}, DOI={10.1075/avt.00041.reu}, abstract={Conditional clauses in Dutch can occur in sentence-initial and sentence-final position. For sentence-initial conditionals, a number of syntactic integration patterns are available. This corpus study investigates to what extent clause order and syntactic integration are associated with mode (spoken, written) and register (formal, informal). Sentence-initial position of the conditional clause is shown to be most frequent in both modes and registers, although sentence-final position is more frequent than one would expect based on the literature, especially in written texts. The distribution of syntactic integration patterns shows a clear difference between modes, as full integration of the conditional clause into the main clause is most frequent in written texts, whereas the use of the resumptive element `dan� (then) is most frequent in spoken texts.}, journal={Linguistics in the Netherlands}, author={Reuneker, Alex}, year={2020}, month={10}, pages={119--134} }
@misc{Waszink_Reuneker_Wouden_2018, title={Als ik praat, dan praat ik money}, url={https://www.neerlandistiek.nl/2018/07/als-ik-praat-dan-praat-ik-money/}, journal={Neerlandistiek}, author={Waszink, Vivien and Reuneker, Alex and van der Wouden, Ton}, year={2018}, month={7} }
Reuneker, A. (2018). Vind jouw mooi!Neerlandistiek, March 8 2018. BibTex ∨.
@inbook{boogaart_reuneker_2017,title={Intersubjectivity and grammar},author={Boogaart, Ronny and Reuneker, Alex},booktitle={The Cambridge handbook of cognitive linguistics},pages={188--206},year={2017},editor={Dancygier, Barbara},place={Cambridge},publisher={Cambridge University Press},abstract={From the start of cognitive linguistics, it has been one of the basic tenets that all use of language is subjective. By their choice of words and grammatical constructions, speakers unavoidably present a specific conceptualization, or construal (Langacker 1987: 487�88, Langacker 1990b: 61), of reality. However, in more recent years it has been argued that there is an additional dimension of language and communication that should not be neglected by cognitive linguists: the intersubjective dimension of `cognitive coordination' between speaker and hearer (Verhagen 2005: 7). In fact, as we will show in this chapter, the function of many grammatical constructions can only be adequately understood if, in addition to the subjective dimension, the intersubjective dimension of language is taken into account. We will start out, in section 12.2, with a brief introduction to the notion of intersubjectivity and its relation to subjectivity and argumentativity. Then its relevance is shown for the analysis of negation, modality, complementation, and conditional constructions in sections 12.3 to 12.6, respectively.}}
@misc{Reuneker_Waszink_van der Wouden_2017, title={Sanskriet op de beat}, url={https://www.neerlandistiek.nl/2017/04/sanskriet-op-de-beat/}, journal={Neerlandistiek}, author={Reuneker, Alex and Waszink, Vivien and van der Wouden, Ton}, year={2017}, month={4} }
@article{Reuneker_2017, title={Sentence-medial if-clauses in Dutch}, volume={22}, ISSN={1384-5845}, DOI={10.5117/NEDTAA2017.1.REUN}, abstract={Sentence-medial if-clauses deviate from regular clause-order patterns by their insertion into the main clause, rather than preceding or following it. This phenomenon is analysed in Dutch in terms of semantic domain and syntactic integration.}, number={1}, journal={Nederlandse Taalkunde}, author={Reuneker, Alex}, year={2017}, month={3}, pages={137--148} }
@article{Reuneker_2016,title={Conditional use of prepositional phrases in Dutch: The case of `zonder' (`without')}, volume={33}, ISSN={0929-7332, 1569-9919}, DOI={10.1075/avt.33.09reu}, abstractNote={Conditionality can be expressed using a variety of grammatical constructions, ranging from the prototypical lexical marker `if' to other grammatical patterns. This corpus study investigates the expression of conditionality using prepositional phrases introduced by Dutch `zonder' (�without�) compared to their non-conditional use and the use of `als' (`if'). The conditional use of `zonder'-phrases is discussed with respect to complement type, modal marking and negation. A regression analysis was performed to analyse the contribution of these factors to a conditional interpretation.}, journal={Linguistics in the Netherlands}, author={Reuneker, Alex}, year={2016}, pages={121--134} }
@inbook{Reuneker_2016b, place={Leiden}, title={Anders ga je met pensioen!}, booktitle={Aries Netwerk: een constructicon (festschrift Arie Verhagen)}, publisher={AUP}, author={Reuneker, Alex}, editor={Reuneker, Alex and Boogaart, Ronny and Lensink, Saskia}, year={2016}, url={https://hdl.handle.net/1887/3213733}, pages={166--170} }
@inbook{Reuneker_Boogaart_Jansen_2013, place={Assen}, title={De argumentatieve ori�ntatie van `het is dat�}, ISBN={9789023249917}, booktitle={Studies in Taalbeheersing 4}, publisher={Van Gorcum}, author={Reuneker, Alex and Boogaart, Ronny}, editor={Boogaart, Ronny and Jansen, Henrike}, year={2013}, pages={291--301} }
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Corpus Tools
Lexical diversity Measurements. Calculate a number of measures of lexical diversity (LD) by simply copy-pasting the text you want to analyse. For each measurement, a reference is given.
N-gram generator (with probabilities). Generate n-grams (bi-grams, tr-grams, 4- and 5-grams) for your texts, including measures of probability and strength.
𝛘² (chi-square) & Cramér's V calculator. Perform the chi-square test easily, including a measure of association strength and all steps explained (including things like expected frequency calculations in easy terms (Dutch only).
𝛘² to p calculator. Convert a chi-square value to an exact p value. You only need a chi-square value and degrees of freedom (df).
Keyword analysis. Extract keywords from a Dutch or English texts. Keywords are extracted by comparison two large corpora.
Scripts and pages
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