Running and swimming metronome MP3's
On this page you can download metronome MP3's to use for working on your running or swimming cadence/technique. Beats per minute (BPM) ranges from 30 to 200. You can download a metronome MP3 to use on your phone, MP3 player or any app that you like.
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Set and download metronome MP3
Some tips
- As with all things, if you're running and you want to increase your cadence, do it gently. Do not go from 160BPM to 180BPM in one go, but gradually increase the cadence.
- Do not focus on landing at the ticks of the metronome, but instead on lifting your foot on the ticks. This makes a major difference.
Made by Alex Reuneker (2020-2024). All source metronome files were generated using Audacity.