Wordlist generator

You can use this page to generate a wordlist (or frequency list) of a text. This site was made by Alex Reuneker. For questions, see contact details at http://www.reuneker.nl. If you use this site for your research, please cite it as follows.

Reuneker, A. (2019). Wordlist generator. Retrieved ..., from https://www.reuneker.nl/files/wordlist.


  1. Copy a text (from a website, a book, a larger corpus, et cetera).
  2. Paste the text into the input area below. You don't have to remove weird characters, tags, white spaces and new lines — the script does it for you.
  3. Set the number of results wanted (or leave at 50). You can also set a minimal frequency for the words included in the list.
  4. Click 'Generate wordlist' and wait a bit.

Input and settings

Choose preferred settings, or leave at default.

Paste a text to analyze below.


Results will be presented here after you clicked 'generate wordlist'...


The worldlist function used was written using Vanilla Javascript, and your text is not uploaded to any server. Your computer itself does all the work. Small texts are processed very quickly. Longer texts take a bit longer, although getting the wordlist for the King James Bible (4.2MB; almost 800.000 words) took my laptop three seconds with multiple tabs and other applications open.


Please take note of the pre-processing (i.e. before calculation) done here:
